Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rebuy strategy needs work

Well, that makes 2 straight MTT cashes. I finished 181st out of 2323 for a net profit of $5.36. Why such a small profit? I went a little crazy during the rebuy period. 7 rebuys plus the add-on, to be exact. It could've been worse, but I probably gambled just a little more than I should have. At least it paid off; my stack was about twice the average size by the first break.

Once we started playing 'real' poker after the add-on, I thought I did a pretty good job of using my chip stack to push the table around. I probably still could have been more aggressive with my button, but I'm working on it. My biggest mistake was that I tried to outplay unfamiliar players after the flop on 2 separate occasions. But even then, I would have been in great shape had my straight not succumbed to a full house on the river on a key hand about halfway through the tournament. Them's the breaks.

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