Monday, May 14, 2007

Time management issues

So much for buckling down. I recently caved in to pressure from a buddy of mine and bought an Xbox 360 Elite. As a result, my poker hours are way down. Granted, I'm still waiting on a deposit to hit my ePassporte account so that I can play online, but I've certainly had plenty of chances to play poker regardless. It's a simple matter of discipline; I just need to get off my lazy ass.

Here are the few results from last week:

Monday - Dropped $198 in 7 hours of play at a $.50/$1 table. I played a fairly tight game at a loose table, but my big hands kept running into bigger hands. By the same token, I definitely could have limited my losses by getting away sooner when I knew I was beaten. I'm pretty good about trusting my instincts/reads when I feel that I'm ahead, but it's a different matter altogether when I think I'm behind (I'm about as bad as it gets when it comes to paying "just to see it").

Wednesday - The Liz and Brandon $20 Freezeout was called off because Liz had her baby the previous morning (no word yet on whether it looks more like me or like Brandon). I decided to host a freezeout of my own but only managed to get 5 players. I made it to heads-up where I chopped the pot yet again for a net profit of $30.

Krumbine Thursday - Dropped another $183 on Thursday, all of it on an early hand where I couldn't get away from AK on a board of AJ9. I was playing lazy, distracted poker and didn't even bother to put the other player on a hand. I got what I deserved.

It was a pretty rough week, but at least I recognize that behind everything was a total lack of discipline and focus on my part. My ePassporte deposit is scheduled to hit tomorrow, so there will definitely be no more excuses.

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