Wednesday, February 11, 2009

January 2009 Recap

Cash game net profit = -$347.37 (86.87 hours played)
Tournament net profit = $98.91
Total net profit = -$248.46

Negative net profit for the month, but my hours played are way up as I had hoped/expected. I played as patiently and as selectively aggressive as I have in quite some time, and there were probably only 1 or 2 decisions that I would like to have done differently.

System Check (monthly character assessment on a scale of 1 to 10):

Present-mindedness: 9 (+1)
I've gotten to a point where my heart doesn't even quicken anymore when I take a bad beat or run 2nd nuts into the lock nuts. It's almost like a part of me is dead (or at least dormant) on the inside
, and it's actually a very peaceful feeling.

Awareness: 7 (+1)
I'm not forcing the issue as often as I used to, and I think letting the game come to me has really eliminated some major distractions. This has allowed me to be more perceptive of each situation as a whole rather than just bits and pieces here and there.

Physical fitness
: 5 (+1)
Just continuing to get more consistent with my workouts.

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