Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September 2007 Recap

Cash game net profit = -$54.00 (61.75 hours of play)
Tournament net profit = $379.01
Total net profit = $325.01

Well, at least we're back in the black. Only lost $54 in cash game play last month, which is actually somewhat of a moral victory. I basically went back to playing solid poker, which is ideal for the loose games that I play in.

Sit-n-go results for September were decent, though they would have been higher had I not jumped from multitabling 4 SnGs at a time to 10 SnGs at a time. It's not that I don't feel I'm capable of playing that many tables, but it will take some adjustment, particularly since I switch from tiled tables to cascaded tables after the 6 SnG mark. This downward trend has also continued into the first part of October, but I'm going back down to 4 tables to see if I can turn things around. My ICM decisions are definitely more accurate when I'm playing 4 tables or fewer.

Goals for October:
- I'd like to finish with positive results in cash game play for the month. We're off to a good start, but I'm hoping that my return to a more focused and patient game will really yield some extraordinary results.
- I need to be more patient with my SnG play as well. I jumped the gun a bit moving from 4 tables to 10 tables, and it was all because I didn't feel like I was maximizing my profits. I definitely intend to increase the number of tables I play at a time, but right now I still have too many leaks in my ICM decision making to play more than 4 tables on autopilot.

1 comment:

Thomas Kennedy said...

Good job on a profitable sit 'n go month. Yes, it can be difficult to multitable beyond 4 or 5 tables. Some think it is better to stay at the lower number of tables but increase your stakes. Others stay at the same stake and increase tables. If you are the type of player that uses the information you observe about your opponents, a lower number of tables is better. However, if you are just playing a tight, solid game, keeping the stakes lower is preferred.