Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September 2007 Recap

Cash game net profit = -$54.00 (61.75 hours of play)
Tournament net profit = $379.01
Total net profit = $325.01

Well, at least we're back in the black. Only lost $54 in cash game play last month, which is actually somewhat of a moral victory. I basically went back to playing solid poker, which is ideal for the loose games that I play in.

Sit-n-go results for September were decent, though they would have been higher had I not jumped from multitabling 4 SnGs at a time to 10 SnGs at a time. It's not that I don't feel I'm capable of playing that many tables, but it will take some adjustment, particularly since I switch from tiled tables to cascaded tables after the 6 SnG mark. This downward trend has also continued into the first part of October, but I'm going back down to 4 tables to see if I can turn things around. My ICM decisions are definitely more accurate when I'm playing 4 tables or fewer.

Goals for October:
- I'd like to finish with positive results in cash game play for the month. We're off to a good start, but I'm hoping that my return to a more focused and patient game will really yield some extraordinary results.
- I need to be more patient with my SnG play as well. I jumped the gun a bit moving from 4 tables to 10 tables, and it was all because I didn't feel like I was maximizing my profits. I definitely intend to increase the number of tables I play at a time, but right now I still have too many leaks in my ICM decision making to play more than 4 tables on autopilot.